Pierre has joined ISAI Expansion's (Growth & Buyout) team in 2021 as Investment Manager. Previously, he worked at Argos Wityu for more than 4 years, being involved in numerous transactions such as the acquisition of Revima and its sale to Ardian Buyout, the investment in Sword France, the sale of Groupe Spengler Holtex as well as the development and monitoring of La Compagnie des Desserts. He started his career in M&A at JSquare Conseil, followed by a position at Bryan, Garnier & Co before entering into the Private Equity industry at PAI Partners.
Main investments at ISAI: Hubvisory, Driiveme
An experienced golfer, but too often unlucky, a marathon/trail runner always looking for larger distances, and even a skier in his spare time, Pierre is an active sports enthusiast through and through.
Graduated from emlyon Business School and Magistère Finance Sorbonne.